The 10 Best Foods for Brain Health
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Brain Food
You can keep your body young with exercise, and your skin youthful with good practices and products, but how about your brain? A barrage of studies have found compounds like antioxidants, flavanols, polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals (notably, folate, vitamin E, and B vitamins) naturally found in food can help protect your brain. Since your mental health is indicative of your overall well-being, give your grey matter a boost by eating foods fortified with these heavy-hitting nutrients. We enlisted the help of physician, author of the Eat Right for Life book series, and private wellness coach Ann Kulze, M.D. to identify the absolute best eats for your mind. These fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and spices (and more) will protect your brain, fight fatigue and fogginess, ward off aging, and boost your mood and alertness. Eat up.SEE ALSO: 20 Foods That Keep You Young >>

“Salmon, particularly wild salmon, is arguably the highest quality protein for brain health,” Kulze says. This oily fish is the richest source of the all-important, but difficult to come by, omega-3 fats DHA and EPA. These are critical for healthy brain structure and optimal brain function. “As a huge added bonus, salmon is an outstanding source of five other key brain nutrients: magnesium, B-vitamins, zinc, Vitamin D and choline,” Kulze adds. What you really want is wild salmon (as opposed to farmed) because it’s clean and sustainable. In terms of the breakdown, wild salmon has about 30 percent fewer calories, half the fat, and a third the amount of saturated fat of farm-raised salmon, according to data from the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference from the USDA.SEE ALSO: Broiled Salmon With Spiced Yogurt Recipe >>

All nuts are exceptional brain foods, but walnuts are the all stars. They’re rich in several nutrients instrumental for brain health like essential amino acids, a full spectrum of minerals, B vitamins, and vitamin E, which is said to help prevent cognitive decline, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. “Walnuts also offer a hefty dose of omega-3 fats along with especially potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant compounds called polyphenols,” Kulze says. “For many reasons, the brain is uniquely vulnerable to damaging oxidation and inflammation,” she adds, so the protective micronutrients in these little guys are crucial to keeping you on your A-game. SEE ALSO: 5 Things You Should Know About Walnuts >>

“I consider beans the most underappreciated brain health foods,” Kulze says. Bold statement? Yes, but science backs it up. Beans are a low-glycemic (meaning they’re very slowly digested), nutrient-dense starch that provide the brain with its preferred fuel (glucose.) Plus they pack a powerful quintet of nutrients including magnesium, zinc, fiber, antioxidants, and folate. Folate is essential for brain function, and folate deficiency can lead to neurological disorders, such as depression and cognitive impairment, according to research published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience. “Actually, beans provide more folate than any other food,” Kulze says. Cheap, convenient, and versatile, beans are a brain-health winner that are hard to beat. SEE ALSO: Mouth-Watering Black Bean Burger Recipe >>

Black Rice
Here’s something you probably don’t know: All physically intact whole grains are a fantastic food for overall brain protection. Black rice, in particular, is a powerhouse. Also known as “forbidden rice,” black rice is packed with fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. “Measure for measure, black rice is bursting with even more antioxidants than blueberries,” Kulze says. Actually, blueberries and black rice have a lot in common. “Black rice contains the very same deep purple anthocyanin pigments as berries, but the pigments are so concentrated the grains appear black,” she explains. SEE ALSO: Get Lean With High-Fiber Foods >>

If you want to eat for your brain, avocados better be on your grocery list. “A review of their nutritional profile reads straight from the winning playbook for optimal brain health: They’re chock-full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that promote healthy bloodflow in the brain, along with a bevy of several of the brains most valued nutrients, including folate, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and copper,” Kulze says. Avocados are rich in stress-relieving B vitamins, which you need for healthy nerves and brain cells; they’re high in monounsaturated fat and potassium, which help lower blood pressure; and these monounsaturated fats help support information-carrying nerves in your brain, according to research from the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology. SEE ALSO: 5 Grain-Free Avocado Recipes for Muscle Gains >>

“Blueberries provide the brain a gradual dose of its must-have fuel, glucose, along with a massive hit of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant pigments called anthocyanins,” Kulze says. Also found in black rice (click back two slides), anthocyanins give berries their red, blue, or purple hues, and they’re touted for being the best plant pigment for brain health. Blueberries have even been shown to reverse signs of aging in the brain, help repair and protect cells, and improve memory, according to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. SEE ALSO: Blueberry-Ricotta Waffle Sandwich Recipe >>

Dark Chocolate
When it comes to brain health, dark chocolate in moderation really is a guiltless dessert. Thanks to its exceedingly high levels of plant antioxidants called flavanols—which dilate blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and blood to reach key areas of your brain—a generous supply of magnesium, zinc, and fiber, dark chocolate can help you soldier on against fatigue and the effects of aging. In fact, dark chocolate is one of the only foods shown to acutely boost both mood, focus, and alertness, according to a University of Nottingham study. “And, if you eat a prudent portion (up to one ounce daily) of high cacao dark chocolate (72% or greater), it barely makes a dent in your daily sugar quota,” Kulze adds. SEE ALSO: Protein-Packed Chocolate Cake With Berry Sauce >>

Dark Leafy Greans
The overall brain-boosting nutritional firepower in dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chard, and lettuce greens is difficult to rival. “They provide the full spectrum of protective nutrients including a huge dose of vitamins A and C along with 18 additional essential nutrients; they’re exceptionally low in calories (excess body fat damages the brain), and high in plant antioxidants,” Kulze says. They even provide a small kick of omega 3 fats. You couldn’t ask for anything more from a vegetable. SEE ALSO: The Hottest New Vegetable You Should Be Eating >>

Turmeric & Curry
These Indian spices are prized for their bounty of curcumin. “Curcumin is one of the most potent, naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents ever identified,” Kulze says. And, “because we now know that inflammation is the ‘universal brain destructor,’ curry and turmeric are likely the very best spices for brain health. A pinch of what other food could provide a more healthy return for the effort? probably none. SEE ALSO: Alleviate Joint Pain With Turmeric >>

Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally complete foods around. These nutty-flavored seeds provide all the essential fatty acids—including a big hit of those precious omega-3 fats, B vitamins, vitamins D and E, and a comprehensive package of minerals. And before you ask, hemp seeds do not contain any THC. SEE ALSO: Hemp Seed Chicken Salad Recipe >>
Button slide previous Back to intro Button slide nextBrain Food
You can keep your body young with exercise, and your skin youthful with good practices and products, but how about your brain? A barrage of studies have found compounds like antioxidants, flavanols, polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals (notably, folate, vitamin E, and B vitamins) naturally found in food can help protect your brain. Since your mental health is indicative of your overall well-being, give your grey matter a boost by eating foods fortified with these heavy-hitting nutrients.
We enlisted the help of physician, author of the Eat Right for Life book series, and private wellness coach Ann Kulze, M.D. to identify the absolute best eats for your mind. These fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and spices (and more) will protect your brain, fight fatigue and fogginess, ward off aging, and boost your mood and alertness. Eat up.
SEE ALSO: 20 Foods That Keep You Young >>
“Salmon, particularly wild salmon, is arguably the highest quality protein for brain health,” Kulze says. This oily fish is the richest source of the all-important, but difficult to come by, omega-3 fats DHA and EPA. These are critical for healthy brain structure and optimal brain function. “As a huge added bonus, salmon is an outstanding source of five other key brain nutrients: magnesium, B-vitamins, zinc, Vitamin D and choline,” Kulze adds. What you really want is wild salmon (as opposed to farmed) because it’s clean and sustainable. In terms of the breakdown, wild salmon has about 30 percent fewer calories, half the fat, and a third the amount of saturated fat of farm-raised salmon, according to data from the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference from the USDA.
SEE ALSO: Broiled Salmon With Spiced Yogurt Recipe >>
All nuts are exceptional brain foods, but walnuts are the all stars. They’re rich in several nutrients instrumental for brain health like essential amino acids, a full spectrum of minerals, B vitamins, and vitamin E, which is said to help prevent cognitive decline, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. “Walnuts also offer a hefty dose of omega-3 fats along with especially potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant plant compounds called polyphenols,” Kulze says. “For many reasons, the brain is uniquely vulnerable to damaging oxidation and inflammation,” she adds, so the protective micronutrients in these little guys are crucial to keeping you on your A-game.
SEE ALSO: 5 Things You Should Know About Walnuts >>
“I consider beans the most underappreciated brain health foods,” Kulze says. Bold statement? Yes, but science backs it up. Beans are a low-glycemic (meaning they’re very slowly digested), nutrient-dense starch that provide the brain with its preferred fuel (glucose.) Plus they pack a powerful quintet of nutrients including magnesium, zinc, fiber, antioxidants, and folate. Folate is essential for brain function, and folate deficiency can lead to neurological disorders, such as depression and cognitive impairment, according to research published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience. “Actually, beans provide more folate than any other food,” Kulze says. Cheap, convenient, and versatile, beans are a brain-health winner that are hard to beat.
SEE ALSO: Mouth-Watering Black Bean Burger Recipe >>
Black Rice
Here’s something you probably don’t know: All physically intact whole grains are a fantastic food for overall brain protection. Black rice, in particular, is a powerhouse. Also known as “forbidden rice,” black rice is packed with fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. “Measure for measure, black rice is bursting with even more antioxidants than blueberries,” Kulze says. Actually, blueberries and black rice have a lot in common. “Black rice contains the very same deep purple anthocyanin pigments as berries, but the pigments are so concentrated the grains appear black,” she explains.
SEE ALSO: Get Lean With High-Fiber Foods >>
If you want to eat for your brain, avocados better be on your grocery list. “A review of their nutritional profile reads straight from the winning playbook for optimal brain health: They’re chock-full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that promote healthy bloodflow in the brain, along with a bevy of several of the brains most valued nutrients, including folate, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and copper,” Kulze says. Avocados are rich in stress-relieving B vitamins, which you need for healthy nerves and brain cells; they’re high in monounsaturated fat and potassium, which help lower blood pressure; and these monounsaturated fats help support information-carrying nerves in your brain, according to research from the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology.
SEE ALSO: 5 Grain-Free Avocado Recipes for Muscle Gains >>
“Blueberries provide the brain a gradual dose of its must-have fuel, glucose, along with a massive hit of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant pigments called anthocyanins,” Kulze says. Also found in black rice (click back two slides), anthocyanins give berries their red, blue, or purple hues, and they’re touted for being the best plant pigment for brain health. Blueberries have even been shown to reverse signs of aging in the brain, help repair and protect cells, and improve memory, according to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
SEE ALSO: Blueberry-Ricotta Waffle Sandwich Recipe >>
Dark Chocolate
When it comes to brain health, dark chocolate in moderation really is a guiltless dessert. Thanks to its exceedingly high levels of plant antioxidants called flavanols—which dilate blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and blood to reach key areas of your brain—a generous supply of magnesium, zinc, and fiber, dark chocolate can help you soldier on against fatigue and the effects of aging. In fact, dark chocolate is one of the only foods shown to acutely boost both mood, focus, and alertness, according to a University of Nottingham study. “And, if you eat a prudent portion (up to one ounce daily) of high cacao dark chocolate (72% or greater), it barely makes a dent in your daily sugar quota,” Kulze adds.
SEE ALSO: Protein-Packed Chocolate Cake With Berry Sauce >>
Dark Leafy Greans
The overall brain-boosting nutritional firepower in dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chard, and lettuce greens is difficult to rival. “They provide the full spectrum of protective nutrients including a huge dose of vitamins A and C along with 18 additional essential nutrients; they’re exceptionally low in calories (excess body fat damages the brain), and high in plant antioxidants,” Kulze says. They even provide a small kick of omega 3 fats. You couldn’t ask for anything more from a vegetable.
SEE ALSO: The Hottest New Vegetable You Should Be Eating >>
Turmeric & Curry
These Indian spices are prized for their bounty of curcumin. “Curcumin is one of the most potent, naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents ever identified,” Kulze says. And, “because we now know that inflammation is the ‘universal brain destructor,’ curry and turmeric are likely the very best spices for brain health. A pinch of what other food could provide a more healthy return for the effort? probably none.
SEE ALSO: Alleviate Joint Pain With Turmeric >>
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally complete foods around. These nutty-flavored seeds provide all the essential fatty acids—including a big hit of those precious omega-3 fats, B vitamins, vitamins D and E, and a comprehensive package of minerals. And before you ask, hemp seeds do not contain any THC.
SEE ALSO: Hemp Seed Chicken Salad Recipe >>